Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical engineering has three options for masters. There is the Master of engineer in biomedical technology, main of Science in biomedical technology and the Master of engineer in clinical technology. Biomedical technology is trains you to combine your knowledge of biology and medicine with principles of technology and practices for solutions with the problems medical and relating to health.

Education in Biomedical Engineering prepares students for the knowledge of technical instruments and medical devices, to work with other health professionals in the design of instrumentation, equipment and software, to develop new procedures and to conduct research that solves problems with the electrical and electronic biomedical instruments.

Different specialties of biomedical engineering to give you ample opportunities to explore your potential. The main areas are: bioinformatics BioMEMS (microelectromechanical systems), Biomaterials, Biomechanics, Biosignal processing, biotechnology, clinical engineering, genomics, imaging and image processing technology information, instrumentation, sensors and measurements, micro and nanotechnology, neural systems and engineering, physiological systems modeling, proteomics, radiology, surgical robotics and telemedicine.

The description of the function of the biomedical engineers can include work to improve the equipment, such as valves of heart and the artificial limbs as well as contribute to develop various medical devices such as the simulative ones of heart.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this basic knowledge that every engineering students should know before selecting this field.

    Biomedical Engineering Columbus
